Tuesday, July 25, 2017

If A infinite, A X A ≈ A

Use my proofs at your own risk. I may be wrong. Please notify me of error.

u ≈ v says u is equinumerous with v.
The cross product A X A is also written A2.
For the sake of completeness, if that is wanted, we note that for A finite, the matrix A X A is rarely equinumerous with A. For A ≈ n e N (the Natural Whole Numbers), A X A ≈ n2 in N such that n <= n2.
The lower case e is used for the element symbol.

If A infinite, whether denumerable or not, A X A ≈ A.
To prove

A X A may be represented as a matrix, such as the case of Quad I
of the Complex plane, in which a complex point may be represented by 2 partially ordered reals.

It is the sets that are important;
the matrix picture gives a "false visualization" typical of mathematics,
as in the false visualization of a line in the Euclidean plane.

By the Axiom of Choice, any set can be put into a well-ordering.

That is, any subset has a least element. Thence, we have x < y or y < x or x = y.

We call Ri a row of the matrix such that i is the i-th well-ordered element of A. Note that every pair in Ra has the coordinates 〈a,y〉 such that a is held constant
and y permitted to vary 1-to-1 with x e A.

In fact, y gives the column coordinate such that y is the y-th member of the well-ordering of A.

Ra ≈ A.
Follows from 〈a,y〉as described in 3.

Ra ≈ Rb
Follows from 〈b,y〉with b constant, making a straightforward 1-to-1 correspondence.

∪Ri = A2
The subscript i is a well-ordered
member of A, and so denumerability is not implied.

Any finite subset of ∪Ri ≈ A.
Follows from 5.

∪Ri = ∪Xn, where X is a finite subset of ∪Ri and n e N
Exists by definition.

(All n,m e N) (Xn ≈ Ra ≈ Xm).
Follows from 5. and 8.

∪Ri ≈ Ra
Follows from 9.

11. Ra ≈ A

A ≈ A2

An ≈ A
Follows from induction on A and n.

Aℕ\0 ≈ A
We can use transfinite induction, not defined here, for 13.)

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